Document Index

The links below marked .pdf files are Adobe Reader(R) files. If you do not have Adobe Reader you can download free software for opening the files by going here: The Adobe site will open in a new window. Close that window to return here. Some .pdf files are large and will take a moment or two to download.

Download problems?  The problems we had this fall appear to be fixed.  But if it is happening again, email Ellen at EllenDNorris @ (take out the spaces) and I will attach the documents that you request to an email to you.  — from Jayne’s assistant

Accreditation guide for an Opticianry Degree Program (.pdf file)

Accreditation guide for a Ophthalmic Laboratory Program (.pdf file)

Annual Report for 2024 in Word   The Fall due date is August 15, 2024.
Please try this link annual-report-2024 if that one does not work for you or if it gives a potential security alert.
You must submit one complete electronic copy. If the report includes a document that is not available online and is too large to scan, scan only the pages that are applicable to the annual report and attach them to the report. The first page with signatures must have actual signatures and be scanned into the computer for e-mail submission.

Annual Statistics are now page 3 of the annual report. Programs on the spring annual report list will now file statistics with their reports in the spring. This requirement must be met even if an annual report is not required because of a recent self-study and on-site.

Guidelines for Commission review of Annual Report during semi-annual meeting
—  pdf form: GuidelinesforReviewingAnnualReport.pdf
—  doc form: GuidelinesforReviewingAnnualReport.doc

Application for Accreditation/Reaccreditation — Degree 
Fill out this word document, obtain signatures, and e-mail it to the Director.
 Workshop for the self-study and on-site process.   (.pdf)

Application for Accreditation/Reaccreditation — Laboratory Certificate 
Fill out this word document, obtain signatures, and e-mail it to the Director.
 Workshop for the self-study and on-site process.   (.pdf)

ByLaws (.pdf file)

Essentials for an Ophthalmic Laboratory Program (.pdf file)

Essentials for an Opticianry Degree Program (.pdf file)

Expense form (Reimbursement form) (Word .doc form)

Policies and Procedures (.pdf file)

Progress Report Form (Word .doc file)

Safety and Environmental Checklist (.pdf file), or
Safety and Environmental Checklist Word form

Self Study and on-site materials:

Accreditation Guide (degree) (.pdf file)
Advisory Committee questionnaire (.pdf file)
Confidentiality agreement for on-site evaluators (.pdf file)
Conflict of Interest agreement for on-site evaluators (.pdf file)
Evaluator’s Checklist (degree) (.pdf file)
Evaluator’s Workshop (.pdf file)
Faculty questionnaire (.pdf file)
Sample on-site report (On-site team: start with this and fill it in.) (Word file)
Sample self-study (Program Directors: start with this and fill it in.) (Word file)
Sample 2-day agenda for reaffirmation of existing accreditation (start with this and adjust it to fit your needs.) (Word file)
Sample 3-day agenda for initial accreditation (start with this and adjust it to fit your needs.)(Word file)
Self Study Guide (.pdf file)
Student questionnaire (.pdf file)
Workshop for the self-study and on-site process. (.pdf file)


Strategic Plan, fall 2023
Strategic Plan, fall 2021
Strategic Plan, fall 2020
Strategic Plan, fall 2019
Strategic Plan, fall 2018
Strategic Plan, fall 2017
Strategic Plan, fall 2015

Summary of major actions at semi-annual meetings:
March 2023, (.pdf file)       October 2023, (.pdf file)
April 2022, (.pdf file)          September 2022, (.pdf file)
March 2021
, (.pdf file)        August 2021, (.pdf file)
May 2020
, (.pdf file)            September 2020, (.pdf file)
March 2019, (.pdf file)        September 2019, (.pdf file)
March 2018, (.pdf file)        September 2018, (.pdf file)
April 2017, (.pdf file)           October 2017, (.pdf file)
March 2016, (.pdf file)        October 2016, (.pdf file)
March 2015, (.pdf file)        September 2015, (.pdf file)
March 2014, (.pdf file)        September 2014, (.pdf file)
April 2013, (.pdf file)           September 2013, (.pdf file)
April 2012, (.pdf file)           September 2012, (.pdf file)
April 2011, (.pdf file)            October 2011, (.pdf file)
April 2010, (.pdf file)           October 2010, (.pdf file)