Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute

Degree and Certificate
Samuel Henderson, Program Director
Vision Care Technology
9169 Coors Road, NW
Albuquerque, NM 87184
Phone: 505-346-7736
Program Website:
Program Outcomes/Statistics:

Phase: Accredited
Status: Accredited to 2/23/2027. 

Phase: Accredited
Status: Accredited to 2/23/2027.

The following represent COA accreditation actions taken in the last six (6) years:

10/4/23         To accept the Annual Report with a few suggestions.

9/17/22              An on-site visit on March 21-21, 2022 found one potential compliance in the area of Annual Statistics for the past three years.  The program in Vision Care Technology at Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute received Reaffirmation of Accreditation for a period of six years.

9/17/22            To accept Annual Report (Certificate)

9/17/22             To accept Annual Report (Degree)

8/28/21              To accept Annual Report (only statistics required)

3/21/21               To accept Fall 2020 Annual Report, for both certificate and degree programs

5/26/20              To accept Progress Report

9/21/19                To not accept Annual Report pending clarification of which year statistics are based on, and the number of graduates. (degree program)

9/21/19                To accept Annual Report. (certificate program)

3/24/19                To accept as “satisfied” the review of Mission, Goals, and Objectives

9/29/18               To accept Annual Report with request for additional information (degree program)

9/29/18               To accept Annual Report (certificate program)

3/18/18               To accept Progress Report (degree program)

10/8/17               To accept Annual Report with request for additional information (degree program)

10/8/17               To accept Annual Report (certificate program)