Durham Technical Community College

Janet Alspaugh, Program Director
1637 Lawson Street
Durham, NC 27703
Phone: (919) 536-7233 x 8106
E-mail: alspaughj@durhamtech.edu
Program Website: https://www.durhamtech.edu/programs-pathways/opticianry
Program outcomes/statistics: https://www.durhamtech.edu/academic-programs/opticianry/program-information

Phase: Accredited
Status: Accredited to 3/27/2028

The following represent COA accreditation actions taken in the last six (6) years:

10/4/23         To accept the Annual Report.

9/17/22           An on-site visit on April 25-26, 2022 demonstrated full compliance with the Essentials of an Accredited Educational Program for Opticianry, the program in Opticianry at Durham Technical Community College received Reaffirmation of Accreditation for a period of six years.

9/17/22            to accept Annual Report

8/28/21              To accept Annual Report

9/20/20              To accept Annual Report

5/26/20              To accept Progress Report

9/21/19                To not accept Annual Report pending submission of a plan of action to address retention of students.
.                                To request clarification of a discrepancy in statistics reported to Advisory Board and in  Annual Report.

3/24/19 To accept Progress Report with plan for new Program Director appointment

9/29/18            To accept Annual Report with caveat

3/18/18            To accept Progress Report

10/8/17            To accept Annual Report with request for additional information

4/2/17           An on-site visit on September 12-13, 2016 demonstrated full compliance with the Essentials of an Accredited Educational Program for Opticianry, the program in Opticianry at Durham Technical Community College received Reaffirmation of Accreditation for a period of six years.

10/2/17            To accept Statistics report

3/13/16            To accept Progress Report

3/13/16            To place program on Administrative Probation

9/27/15             To accept Annual Report with request for additional information

3/22/15            To remove provisional status based on meeting requirements of Essentials